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When Should Retirees Downsize Their Home?

Senior couple in their new home with several moving boxes stacked and ready to be unpacked

Have you recently retired? Do you find yourself spending more time dusting unused rooms and sorting through decades of clutter instead of pursuing hobbies? If the halls of your home are feeling more echoey than inviting, it may be time to consider downsizing. Not sure it’s the right time to move? Start by exploring your […]

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How Do You Start Downsizing & Decluttering?

A senior couple boxing up their belongings to move out and downsize to a senior living community

You’ve decided now is the time to downsize and clear out your home. Perhaps you’ve chosen to take advantage of the carefree senior living lifestyle. You’ve picked the perfect community and have a gorgeous suite with your name on it—there’s just no way all the stuff in your current house could possibly fit! Before you […]

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The Best of Delaware: The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

The Lodge at Truitt Homestead is now officially the best senior living community southern Delaware has to offer! As voted by our residents and friends, The Lodge has been named Best of Delaware® – Best Senior Residence 2021 Readers Pick Downstate by Delaware Today. We are so grateful to have been welcomed to the community […]

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Welcome to The Family: Lisa Daniello & Marty McIsaac

A veteran in the world of senior living, Lisa Daniello joins us as the Business Office Manager for The Lodge. In the past, Lisa helped manage two of Vantage Point’s previous communities and is excited to rejoin us on this new venture. In her role, she will be responsible for coordinating and managing all things […]

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