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Top 5 Memory Games for Seniors

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A pencil encircles the word 'SIT" on a word puzzle.

Part of the benefit of living in a senior’s retirement community is often having plenty of things to get out and do with other residents. But sometimes it’s nice to stay in and play a game. This is especially beneficial when we consider that there are a lot of games out there that help improve memory and cognitive function.

Memory loss is a common thing that many adults run into as they age. This isn’t always dementia or Alzheimer’s; sometimes, a person simply becomes forgetful. There’s hope for the memory, though. From word puzzles to sudoku to chess, there are many games to help seniors with their memory; let’s look at 5 of them.

Why are Memory Games Beneficial for Seniors?

Several levels of memory loss could make memory games more or less of a benefit, depending on the severity. For example, someone with age-associated memory impairment will likely benefit significantly from exercising their brain to improve overall cognitive function.

On the other hand, someone dealing with dementia or Alzheimer’s may still benefit from memory games. But there will be a much greater need for specialized care, especially as the condition progresses.

5 Memory Games for Seniors

There are many games out there that can help with memory and cognitive function. We’ve gathered 5 great options.

Word Puzzles

There are different options out there for word puzzles. For the senior who prefers to hold a book, a word search and find could be a great option. For the more tech-comfortable adult, a game like Wordle could be a great way to spend a Saturday morning and improve cognitive function at the same time. 


This popular number puzzle game is another one that has both print and digital options, depending on the senior’s preference. According to one study, people aged 50 and over who spend time doing puzzles like sudoku or crosswords had significantly higher cognitive function than those who didn’t.


In the digital age we live in, Lumosity is a platform worth mentioning. It will only be for some, as it’s an entirely digital program. The cool thing about Lumosity is that it’s a relatively custom experience that helps people of all ages play games designed to improve things like memory, cognitive function, or spatial reasoning.


Most people are familiar with at least one of the many versions of solitaire. But it may not be the first game someone thinks about when it comes to being beneficial for the brain. Problem-solving, memory, and thinking ahead are a few ways solitaire can work out your brain.

A man is holding a white knight chess piece during a game.


Chess may be a great option if a senior is looking for a classic game to improve their memory. The neat thing about chess is that playing it solo or with a friend can be beneficial. In addition to helping with memory, regularly playing chess may help improve planning ability and boost creativity. Additionally, some research indicates that chess could reduce the risk of developing dementia. 

Memory Game Considerations

As we mentioned, there are many more than these 5 options. Choosing the game to play should be primarily preference-based. But a few things are good to consider when picking a game. 

  • Format: Games like sudoku or crosswords are typically available in print or digital format. Whereas a program like Luminosity is entirely computer-based. So, an older adult’s tech savviness plays a role in the type of games they find beneficial.
  • Difficulty: No matter how good a game should be for a person’s brain, there will be little benefit if they don’t enjoy it. For example, chess is only for some because it can have a fairly steep learning curve.
  • Ongoing cost: Budget can be a significant consideration when it comes to leisure in retirement. Most games will be fairly budget-friendly, but a subscription to Luminosity would be something to consider if there’s a tight budget in retirement. If a person isn’t playing the games, the monthly cost may not be worth the money.
  • Content: In the same way as difficulty, the type of game or the content of it could make it less enjoyable. Most people will have a good idea of the types of games they enjoy by the time they reach retirement age. But there’s nothing wrong with experimenting at any age.

Find Out More About the Benefits of Memory Games

One thing that could be more enjoyable than playing these games by yourself is playing them with friends, new and old. Being a part of a senior retirement community could be just the thing you need to continue living your best life.If you’re considering communities in Rehoboth Beach, give us a call at The Lodge at Truitt Homestead. Our caring team is available to answer your questions. We can also book you a community tour to see the life that could be yours.

Written by The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

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