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Loss of Appetite in the Elderly: Addressing the Issue with Great Dining

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Senior couple eating dinner together.

As we age, our bodies and minds undergo numerous changes. One common change that many older adults experience is a decrease in appetite. At The Lodge at Truitt Homestead, we understand the importance of maintaining good nutrition for our residents’ overall health and well-being. 

There could be many reasons for loss of appetite in the elderly:

  • Difficulty cooking or preparing meals
  • Boredom with repetitive or unappetizing food
  • Changes in taste or smell making food less appealing
  • Depression, loneliness, or lack of social dining experiences
  • Lack of a regular eating routine

It is for this reason that we have developed menus with a focus on the cuisine of local regions while catering to our residents’ preferences and dietary needs. Our food philosophy is quality, with fresh ingredients and service you’d expect from the best restaurants in town. The result is great tasting food that doesn’t get boring.

Why Seniors Eat Less

Appetite loss in older adults can occur for various reasons. Age-related factors play a significant role, including slower metabolism, reduced physical activity, and changes in sense of taste and smell. Dental problems or gastrointestinal changes can make eating less enjoyable, while an increased risk of dehydration can further suppress appetite.

Health conditions can also contribute to reduced appetite. Depression, loneliness, and sleep issues are common culprits. Additionally, side effects from certain medications can impact hunger levels. Lifestyle factors, such as lack of a regular routine or difficulty preparing meals, can also lead to reduced food intake.

With premier amenities such as a games room featuring activities such as a billiards table, shuffleboard, and card table; a fitness center with available personal training services; an indoor/outdoor pool with retractable doors for year-round enjoyment; and a media room for watching movies or attending events, there’s no shortage of activities that help our residents support their physical health and foster social connection.

Older man feeding grandson at dinner.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

Maintaining good nutrition is crucial for seniors’ health. Inadequate food intake can lead to nutrient deficiencies, increased risk of frailty and falls, longer recovery times from illness, and a weakened immune system. All of these factors can significantly reduce quality of life. At The Lodge at Truitt Homestead, we recognize these risks and have developed a comprehensive approach to ensure our residents maintain healthy eating habits.

Our Approach to Encouraging Appetite

We believe that dining is more than just eating – it’s an experience. Our diverse dining options cater to different preferences and appetites. From our restaurant-style dining room to our casual bistro and cozy pub, we provide environments that make mealtime enjoyable and social. We understand that hunger doesn’t always align with traditional mealtimes, so we offer flexible dining options, including grab-and-go selections, allowing residents to eat when they feel most hungry.

Quality and flavor are at the heart of our culinary program. Under the guidance of our Director of Culinary Services, we prepare fresh, made-to-order meals that are not only nutritious but also delicious. We use herbs, spices, and sauces to enhance flavors, making meals more appealing to those with diminished taste sensations.

Enjoy Good Good with Good People

Social interaction often stimulates appetite, so we encourage communal dining. Our dining areas are designed to be inviting spaces where residents can enjoy meals with friends and family. We also involve our residents in menu planning and food preparation when possible, as this engagement can increase interest in meals and provide a sense of control.

Family involvement is always welcome at The Lodge at Truitt Homestead. We encourage family members to join residents for meals, creating a familiar and comfortable dining experience. This not only enhances the social aspect of dining but also provides an opportunity for families to enjoy quality time together.

Enjoy Destination Dining in Rehoboth Beach

At The Lodge at Truitt Homestead, we believe that good nutrition is fundamental to a high quality of life for our residents. Our approach to dining goes beyond just serving meals – it’s about creating an experience that stimulates appetite, encourages social interaction, and meets the unique needs of each individual. Book a tour to experience our highly rated dining options. You will also get to see our plentiful & varied amenities that allow our residents to spend time doing the things that they enjoy.

Written by The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

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