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What Is Considered Independent Living?

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A happy older adult woman watering the plants of the independent living home.

Independent living offers a setup for older adults who desire to maintain their independence while freeing themselves from the burdens of daily household tasks and maintenance. In these communities, residents have private, fully-equipped homes nestled within a neighborhood of peers so that they can live autonomously without the concerns of property upkeep.

Residents of independent living communities often have access to a variety of amenities, including meals prepared by professional chefs, housekeeping services, a calendar of social events and activities, and transportation services to local destinations.

Independent living is about maintaining control over one’s life, allowing individuals to shape their day-to-day experiences according to their preferences. At The Lodge at Truitt Homestead, our mission is to support you in leading a vibrant and satisfying life on your terms.

What Is Independent Living Like?

Independent living communities cater to older adults by offering a lifestyle free from the burdens of home upkeep and routine chores, allowing them to spend their days engaging in activities they enjoy. These communities can consist of various residences, such as houses, apartments, or condominiums, and are generally aimed at individuals aged 55 and above.

The key appeal of these communities is the promise of a lifestyle without the need for maintenance. Staff members in independent living communities handle household tasks for the residents, including lawn mowing, snow removal, and light bulb replacement, providing a worry-free living environment.

Advantages of Independent Living

Independent living comes with a wealth of advantages. Perhaps the foremost among these is enhanced social opportunities. It enables older adults to forge a community network and mutual support within the independent living setting.

Places like The Lodge at Truitt Homestead facilitate this sense of belonging and provide a variety of scheduled services and amenities designed to keep residents both physically and mentally engaged. The amenities offered at The Lodge at Truitt Homestead are tailored to enrich residents’ lifestyles, including:

  • Varied dining experiences, such as formal restaurant settings, outdoor eating areas, and takeaway options
  • Easygoing bistro fare, with options for quick “grab & go” meals
  • A welcoming pub environment which is ideal for socializing and sports viewing
  • A terrace and lounge space outdoors
  • Comprehensive salon services
  • A games room equipped with billiards, shuffleboard, and a card table, among others
  • Fitness center offering personalized training options
  • A pool that transitions between indoor and outdoor settings with retractable doors, suitable for all seasons
  • Media room designed for film screenings, special events, guest speakers, and more
A happy older adult man enjoying a delicious meal.

Selecting an Independent Living Community

Moving into an independent living community is a major decision requiring careful thought and thorough investigation.

Firstly, think about the location that best suits your needs. Whether proximity to family is your top priority or you have a fondness for a specific region, discussing preferences with relatives can help focus your search.

Budget considerations are crucial as well. Look beyond the immediate cost of living in the community to anticipate any extra expenses that might arise in the future.

Visiting communities of interest and engaging actively during these visits is vital. Inquire about the available care levels, the variety of activities, and any other aspects that matter to you. Gathering this information will aid in determining if the community meets your expectations for an enjoyable lifestyle.

Additionally, pay attention to the size and layout of the community during your tours. Think about how the environment aligns with your lifestyle preferences and supports how you wish to live your life.

Who Can Benefit from Independent Living?

Independent living is ideal for individuals seeking to lead a self-determined lifestyle while aging gracefully and retaining their independence. It is an effective solution for those who may encounter difficulties due to physical or cognitive constraints but do not require the extensive care provided by assisted living facilities.

Is Independent Living Suitable for You or Your Family Members?

Independent living is an appealing option for older adults who desire to maintain the liberty of residing in their own space, minus the upkeep and chores associated with homeownership. It’s a fitting choice if you or your loved ones seek an active lifestyle among peers, with the added benefit of a carefree, maintenance-free living environment. 

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that independent living might not be the best fit for individuals requiring significant medical attention. Although some independent living communities provide access to medical services, options like assisted living might be more appropriate for those needing higher levels of personalized medical support, and memory care may be more suitable for individuals with declining mental health.

Choosing a Lifestyle of Freedom & Ease

Opting for an independent living lifestyle offers older adults the opportunity to fully enjoy their retirement years without the hassle of home maintenance. In addition, they can engage in engaging social activities and enjoy exceptional amenities. 

When searching for the perfect independent living community for yourself or your family members, carefully consider all your requirements. Remember, this decision marks the beginning of an exciting new phase in your life. We encourage you to contact us at The Lodge at Truitt Homestead for a personal tour!

Written by The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

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