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The Lodge – September Construction Update

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Welcome to fall in beautiful Rehoboth Beach! Though it still FEELS like summer, we fall in love with Rehoboth even more this time of year. The weather is still warm enough to enjoy the outdoors without a jacket, and the summer rush is over. It’s this time of year that we’re even more thankful than ever to be creating a community like The Lodge in the best area of Coastal Delaware.

A few days ago I had the opportunity to walk through The Lodge with our newest team member, Suzette (if you haven’t met her yet – she’d love to meet you!) and show her around.  As we were walking through the community, we made our way to the third floor and we couldn’t resist using it as the backdrop for this month’s construction update!

So check out our video below and get a sneak peek at a couple member apartments, views from outside, and look at our third floor rotunda lounge – the gorgeous room that sits atop the entrance to The Lodge.

In other news, we are eagerly working out the details for an upcoming event at The Lodge… a wellness focused event, with Beebe Healthcare, that will highlight all the details we’ve been hard at work perfecting regarding the Wellness “adVantage” you’ll enjoy at The Lodge. If you’re interested in attending, save the date for November 7th! More details will be released soon.

On behalf of my team at The Lodge, we hope you’re doing well!  And if you’d like to chat with us personally, give us a call at 302-232-6372 or email [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!


Michele Strum

Community Relations Director

Written by The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

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