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April Construction Update | The Lodge

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As the months inch closer to opening you can see the bones of the community really start to take shape. The amount of change that’s happened in the last month has been dramatic. Since our last update, we’ve hit a few exciting milestones and our executive team recently had a chance to go inside The Lodge and take a tour.

So for this month’s construction update, we thought we’d share some photos from their walk through and give you an idea of some details that aren’t visible from outside!

And finally, we’re ecstatic to say that ALL 20 OF OUR CHARTER MEMBERSHIP SPOTS have been filled!! We are in the process of offering Club and Founding Membership to depositors. If you’re interested in being among the first to move into The Lodge and reap significant financial benefits, please call Michele Strum at 302-232-6372 or email [email protected].

Interested in checking things out further? Be sure to follow along with our progress on Facebook! It’s the best place to stay updated

Written by The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

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