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Events & Activities at The Lodge

Let’s have some fun! The Lodge at Truitt Homestead provides an exciting schedule of events and activities designed to delight our community members. Social gatherings are always best when shared with great friends, so spread the word. 

Sign up for a good time here at The Lodge!

Don’t see something here? There’s ALWAYS something fun to do at The Lodge at Truitt Homestead. We invite you to visit and join us for lunch, we’ll even review our community calendar with you to see if you’d like to join us for a community event!

Rita Stevens Featured on WRDE Coastal Life

Rita Stevens, VP of Operations at VPRL, recently appeared on WRDE Coastal Life to discuss our partnership with a local church. This collaboration supports local immigrants in overcoming language barriers and finding jobs.

Our Lifestyle

Independent Living

Luxury living, your way. Spend time doing what you love most while someone else takes care of the details. Flexible health and wellness services, a beautiful campus, and stunning, spacious apartments ensure your home is a welcome retreat after a fun-filled day. We value your independence, and our services are designed to help you retain it!

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